
"Poor Poophers" A Dedication to the dog

In Memory of Pooph

Disclaimer: I have always been an animal love but never really understood why people go to the extreme for their pet...clothes, diamond callers, taking them everywhere you go, leaving them millions of dollars in your will. It just doesn't make sense. But with that said, Pooph was part of the family...the part of pet!

Pooph was my parents dog that they had for about a year and a half. My brother and sister in law found him on the side of the road and took him in, later giving him to my parents. The kids loved him and he loved them. He was their protector. Kyra loved to lay down next to him and pet him. On Monday, he did not want to eat or drink anything. We all thought he just didn't feel good. Tuesday morning came and Krisalyn came in looking for him. Later my dad informed me that he had died sometime early that morning. This is my kids first encounter with death but certainly not their last. When we told Krisalyn, her response was "Poor Poophers, he's dead" and ran falling onto her bed crying. I later asked her if she knew what being dead means. She just shook her head and being the articulate mother that I am I told her, "It means he's not coming back." Yea, probably not the best thing to say! "Then whose going to bark at the door when people knock?" "Well," I said, "I guess you would have too." "No, mommy, I'm not a dog!" was all she said. All throughout the day, Kyra would go looking for him carrying food to feed him. Krisalyn would just keep repeating "Poor Poophers, he's not coming back." When my mom got home from work Krisalyn told her the bad news (She fortunately knew already). Here's the conversation she had with grandma
gm: quoting the movie she told Krisalyn, "Yea, He went to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus in Heaven because after all, all dogs go to heaven."
K: "Well, when is he coming back to see us?"
gm: "He's not coming back to see us, he is going to wait for us to go see him"
K: "OK"
She seemed so content with that answer. Oh, the innocence of youth. I wish I still had that innocence!

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